Monday, October 24, 2011


Monthly news letter for month of November.

Playtime child development center.

*Happy Thanksgiving8

Our learning activities for month of November.

The monthly theme will be all about fall. We will be watching as the leaves dissappear from our trees off the playground. We will also be exploring how are plants will be changing since it is now fall. We will be making a list of things that we will be thankful of and will be having a pilgrim feast on November 20, the children will be exploring how the pilgrims use to celebrate thanksgiving, we will be reading all about pilgrims and learning their lifestyles. This is going to be a wonderful experience for the children to be a part of, looking foward to starting our adventure.

Our out door activities for month of November.

The children will be exploring the out side changes in nature as we fall into this season. They will be noticing the change of the leaves on our tree on the playground and really get one true meaning of why this is called fall. They will also get to experience the change in the weather as well as the change in the animals and incests that will be out. This will be a learning adventure as we will pick the leaves for this season save them and compare them to the new leaves that come in spring, and compare the color as well as the textures between the two.

*Holiday & occasions this month*
Thanksgiving, November 24,
Fall break,November 26 to November 30 2011.

 Childcare Resource for month of November.

Families may sighn up at your local community action agency for help with thanksgiving, food and may also get information on christmas help for month of December list is only by refferal.
Famlies may also contact local DHS office for christmas refferals also. The staff at this childcare center will be adopting 2 famlies, parents must have child write a letter to Dear santa and a person not an employee of the facility will choose the families to be served this year. Have a great and happy thanksgiving and we will see you all after fall break!

 From the director,and staff of play time child care center.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

journal#7 Dress for sucess, what it means?

To dress for sucess to me means being presentable for the job,and or occasion. You must not wear clothes that are to revealing, or that is to colorful. You must also feel great about what you are wearing,and at the same time have respect for others. You must think about your loved ones as well, husband,children. They all look up to you and remember how you dress is sometimes how you feel. A lways think about your hair as well it makes a total diffrence, ty something new but not to way out their, stay age appropiate while choosing your wear. people pay close attention to the littlest things. Dressing good is apart of feeling good and making the others around you feel even better, succes is what you were sometimes.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

journal #6

1.Her rights was invaded when the teacher tried to diagnose her child, when she asked about the father when the mother had left the space blank, and she posted it on the door.

2.she told the childs medical problem that she assumed, she took his elmo doll, she made him eat alone, she was talking about him to another teacher in front of him.

3. yes this should have been discussed during enrollment with the parent as well. so that they would have already knew the concerns of the child.

4. The parent, director,teacher and or teachers.and in a place of severe privacy.

5.Maybe, after the children has made a connection you should not put any child out there you must let the children know the diffrence but at the same time never call a child out children are innocent.

6.Maybe connect him with a child that is more sincere, introduce eric to the class and let eric talk about what is going on tell his own story to the children about what his ears are going through children are just anxious to know after that its back to play time.

7.It was very inappropiate and embarrssing to to hear that coming from where your child is attending, it would make a person angry.

8.The conversation should not have taken place at all unless it is being addressed to the parent but only in an appropiate way within your job description.

9.Yes, i can call the parent in for a meeting with the teachers involved and reasure her that this will never happen again it was a miscommunication, and that is was very unprofessional on our end. would also involve the child at some part as far sas reintroducing him to his fellow classmates and getting a fresh start.

10.AT this point the things that where violated no! it would have to be a darn good convencing director to leave a child after something of that extinct, it would have to be thought about well anylized by the parent if it was myself.

11.I would not move him fear of it happening at another school, you have to build trust within the centers, my reason would have to be that the director assured me that my child would be protected from that type of scenes,it would be a hard decision to make, when it comes to the childs safety and self esteem.


Monthly Theme:Thanksgiving

Monthly Readiness Skill:The meaning of giving. What is Thanksgiving to you?(the children)

Curriculum: To be age appropiate,and to maintain the safety and quality care in a hands on enviroment,with appropiate learning skills being met as well as fine,gross motor and developmentaly skills being met.

Lesson Plans &Coming Attractions:To be approved and anylized by head teacher  and ordirector, plans must be,
posted in view.
age appropiate for children
neatly written
grammar corrected
well understood

The children must have the ability to show freedom of their own expressions be free to be themselves, while learning social skills and developmental skills.Must include dramatic,block hands on, art muscic as well. must be included in each weekly activity.

Teacher Designated Planning Time: Make sure that you have all yor materails available at all times.within reach. Lesson plans are always done in advance. always have fun when doing your classtime lessons as well as free time. enjoy your job so that the children can always feel at home.

Feild Trips:Planning,resources for families,grants safety,appoint team leaders,voulenteer help, parent envolvement cost,time clotheing for appropiate weather conditions.

Special Visitors: Must have prior approval, must wera I.D. at all times,background check, must be included in the trip or in the agenda for that day or week.

Oreintations,Events,andCelebrations: Must be given notice a week prior, must be within programs funds and guidelines and rules, no exceptions only under extremly conditions.

Monthly Classroom Observations: Will be conducted keep up on your lesson plans and stay well organized!

Continuing Education Courses: Have available resources on hand, have dates of any training needed or that will help further education. must be part of employment to continue education. will do quarterly checks on employees to see what is needed.

Friday, September 16, 2011

journal ent#4

When someone does not use your name it makes you feel less important, that the person may not be as sincere as they may be trying to be. That will also make you have doubts in yourself, as far as why this person may be reacting in this manner, that can make your self esteem lower, if you don't know how to respond to a person of that nature, it just may be that they were never taught communication skills. When a person only greets one with complaints it makes one not even want to finish the job, it makes them seem like their work was not appreciated and it can make a person sad. a person should just be told the way you want them to do it so that their could be a good line of communication left open for either par tie. If one gets the cold shoulder it makes a person feel somewhat not needed it can make a person that has all the energy of an energizer bunny go to a speed of a turtle, in fact all of these approaches can have one feeling almost worthless. You must always keep in mind they way you would want to be treated and the way that you would want someone to treat your loved ones. You only get back what you dish out. And i believe depending on the situation, that you can let the perpetrator know what they are doing and how it makes you feel, that is keeping you communications skills in tact to me. No one should have to endure being treated that way in any field, it is all about communication and keeping that line of respect going, for the environment that we are working in. That is a major thing that must be address by one of you staff members when interacting with the children as well as the families, it is an awful feeling to be trying to say or do something that is important to you and not being payed attention to, ex specially when it involves your children.

journal ent#3

2.1a. I would double heck with the teacher, and would still notify the parents that the other parent is bringing the snack even though she checked about nut allergies their could still be other allergies from the chocalate or even health issues. Abide by polices for center.
b.I would let her know that i do understand and sympythize,and would like to be of as much assitance as possiable, but their are rules and guidelines that have to be followed even under these extenuating circamstances, and let her know that every one is intitled to have this shift, and if their was anything else that i could help with or work out to feel free to let me know.
2.2a.I would find the appropiate time and place let her know my concerns about the issue be open to hearing why she done this and offer my help to her to ensure it nevers happens again.
b.I would get the parent into a more calmer and safer enviroment away from the children, let him know that i was un aware of the situation, let him know what the situation would have been like if i would have seen the incident, go over the procedure with him, and let him get his concerns out and even offer him to still talk to the director if i havent answed or reassured him of any questions or concerns.

Journal ent #2

1.1-1.Staff, Children, Families,Vendors,Public,Community,
1.2-The conversation is well presented ,and it is ensuring the parent that the sitiuation was handled and will be monitored, and left a comfortable road for the parents input. And was clear and about that concern.
1.3-1.a.I want my business to be a home away from home for the children. I want it to be warm,welcoming as well as professoinal.And family orientated,and neighbor freindly as well.
b.I do not have my business started yet, but yes i would be affordable and to offset  the compettotors i will just have to ensure the best, well trained staff, open door policies,and provide the best services i can based on education and my heart.
c.yes, that would be one of my goals.
d.I would use the policies offered through the states program, policies from the NYAEC book, as well as my own knowledge.Equipment will be based on my center and the cirriculum will be evolved around the children and families as well as state regulated guidelines for safety etc..
e. my strengths would be to have a great family oreintated staff and to maintain the highest quality of service as well as realationships through out the center as well as the community.
f. to keep up on regulations and maintain the safety of our children to continue to give the best services as possiable.